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ShapeText Properties

The ShapeText type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnchoring Gets or sets anchoring position of the text within the shape.
Public propertyAutoFit Gets or sets a value to determine whether Microsoft Word will grow the shape to fit text or vise versa.
Public propertyBlocks Gets the shape's blocks.
Public propertyHorizontalOverflow Gets or sets a value to determine whether the text can flow out of the bounding box horizontally.
Public propertyMargins Gets or sets internal margins.
Public propertyRotateWithShape Gets or sets a value to determine whether text should remain upright, regardless of the transform applied to it and the accompanying shape transform.
Public propertyTextDirection Gets or sets a text direction.
Public propertyVerticalOverflow Gets or sets a value to determine whether the text can flow out of the bounding box vertically.
Public propertyWrapText Gets or sets a value indicating whether text wraps inside a shape.
See Also